__For your convenience we have compiled a list of the most
frequently asked questions about colon hydrotherapy gathered from a
variety of resources. We offer it to you with the understanding that it
not be interpreted as medical or professional advice. Please remember
that all medical information needs to be carefully reviewed by your
health provider.
Q. Why is Whispering Pines different than other wellness centers? Our Colon Hydrotherapists are passionate about creating a nurturing and supportive environment for your wellness journey. They are certified through the International Association of Colon Therapy (I-ACT) and pursue continuing education. Not only are they educated on the specific practice of colon therapy, they also practice modified reflexology and abdominal massage to help you have the most productive session. Q. What is the history of Colon Hydrotherapy? Many have never heard of colon hydrotherapy and consider it a new modality, however it has been around for centuries, dating back to 1500 B.C. in the Egyptian medical document Ebers Papyrus. Most notably, it was first used by Cleopatra and credited for her porcelain skin. In modern times, medical professionals like the American surgeon Dr. John Kellogg brought Colon Hydrotherapy to prominence in the United States during the early 1900's. He reported in the 1917 Journal of American Medical Association that in over 40,000 cases, as a result of diet, exercise and colon hydrotherapy, "in all but twenty cases," he had used no surgery for the treatment of gastrointestinal disease in his patients. Q. Why is Colon Hydrotherapy so effective? Colon Hydrotherapy tones and hydrates the colon. The gentle filling and flushing of the colon helps to break down and remove accumulated waste and toxic material so that assimilation and elimination are no longer inhibited. Once impacted material is removed, your colon can begin to function as it was meant to. Muscular contraction is improved, and a series of colonics will actually help speed up the transit time of waste matter. Colon Hydrotherapy also reshapes the colon. When impactions exist in the colon, they alter its shape and structure, which can in turn cause more health problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with the massage techniques utilized by the Colon Hydrotherapist, help eliminate areas of constriction, thus enabling the colon to resume its natural state. Q. What type of system do you use & is it sanitary? Whispering Pines utilizes the FDA certified LIBBE gravity- fed water system, also known as the “open system” for all of our treatments. Unlike the closed system, the LIBBE system encourages natural elimination of the water and wastes. Many clients are cautious about an open evacuation, however through the LIBBE system water arrives in the colon by gravity and NOT by pressure, quickly exiting into a closed sewage system, resulting in a gentle, odor-free cleanse. We take every precaution to ensure that each cleansing process is safe and gentle. Furthermore, our system utilizes disposable cleansing nozzles and tubing to secure total sanitation and hygiene. Q. What is a Colon Hydrotherapy Session Like? When you arrive for your first visit, you and your therapist will discuss your current health condition, your goals for your health, and what you hope to accomplish from colon hydrotherapy. Once that is completed, you will be guided to the colon hydrotherapy room and instructed on how to prepare for the session. In private, you will undress from the waist down and will be draped to ensure modesty throughout the entire session. You will position yourself comfortably on the LIBBE base, before gently and easily inserting the lubricated rectal tube into your rectum, just past the second sphincter muscle, about two to three inches. This process takes only a few seconds and after a minute or so you will not even feel that it is there. This LIBBE rectal tube is individually packaged, sterile and disposable. Once you have inserted the tube, you will be able to cover yourself with the sheet provided. Finally you will need to ring the therapist when ready. The therapist will enter the room and check the water temperature and begin the flow of the water. Once the flow is turned on, there is no need to interrupt it to release. There will be an inflow of a small amount of water and the release of waste may be repeated several times. When you feel the urge to release, the rectal tube will stay inserted. It will move to one side inside the rectum and allow the softened feces to flow out, down the drain and into the base of the LIBBE, passing through a two -inch diameter clear viewing tube. An Odor Exhaust System insures the area remains ODOR FREE. Throughout the session gentle massage is applied to the abdomen to help loosen impacted material for a more complete elimination. Because of this most clients enjoy the assistance of the therapist throughout the session, however you can have as much privacy as you desire. As some may prefer privacy for part of their session, your therapist will be able to leave and return to check on you, and you may ring for your therapist at any time you need help or have questions. The session will take 45 minutes to an hour. At the end of the session, the therapist will stop the flow of the water and give you instructions on how to clean yourself and get off the table. The therapist will then leave the room and give you the privacy you need. A refreshing electrolyte drink will be ready for you to enjoy while relaxing in the reception area. Q. Are there any negative side effects during the session? When toxins that have been lying dormant in the colon are being flushed out and stirred up, some may feel light headed or nauseous during a session. This is called a healing crisis and will quickly pass. As you go along with your cleansing program you may have additional healing crises but you will feel much better and day by day you will have a stronger feeling of health and well–being. Q. What can I expect afterwards? Colon Hydrotherapy may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there is usually no uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. You may continue all of your normal activities the day of your colonic. The majority of our clients report feeling a sense of rejuvenation, happiness, lightness, openness, and overall wellbeing. However if you feel less than great (i.e. sluggish, sleepy, dizzy, headaches, etc.), this is a sign that your body is releasing toxins and is working toward an optimal state of alkalinity. Q. Is there anything I need to do to get ready for Colon Hydrotherapy? To have the most rewarding session we recommend that you eat and drink lightly preceding your session. Some clients may choose to fast the day before or the day of their session. We suggest that you eat a moderate amount of gentle and nourishing foods: green leafy salads, vegetable soups, miso, fruit, and vegetable juices are great options to enjoy before your colonic. Drink plenty of water and try to refrain from eating anything two hours prior to the colonic. Q. Are colonics habit-forming? No. Colonics actually tone the colon muscle, increasing colon function. The more waste your body releases in each session, the stronger your colon becomes and the more regular your own elimination will be. The colon will never be empty, as we are continually eating and processing food. The objective ought not to be an empty colon, but rather a well-functioning colon. Q. How many sessions must you have? One colonic, although helpful, is not necessarily enough to effectively cleanse the colon. A comprehensive program with nutritional input, colon management techniques, and a series of twelve to fifteen colonics is recommended for your initial cleanse. It is critical that the first four colonics should take place over a period of two weeks, followed by weekly colonics thereafter. Seasonal maintenance colonics are also recommended. Additionally, a colonic is suggested before a colonoscopy (a medical examination by a gastroenterologist). It is also good to perform before, during and after a long term fast. Working with a therapist on a regular routine can help anyone move toward a clean, healthy body and lifestyle. Q. Do colonics wash out the intestinal flora? Since beneficial bacteria can only breed in clean intestinal mucosa, colonics actually increase the populations of good intestinal flora by providing an ideal environment for colonization. With this in mind, we do recommend supplementing with beneficial bacteria after a colonic so that colonization can take place in the cleansed tissue. Q. What are some other benefits I may expect from Colon Hydrotherapy? Other common benefits to colon cleansing include, such as; release of toxins, clearer skin, increased joint flexibility, better elimination, increased circulation, more energy, loss of weight, mental clarity, less bloating, enhanced immune system by stimulating lymph flow, relief of lower back pain and an overall feeling of well being. |
_Disclaimer: The information provided on is for
educational purposes only and IS NOT intended as a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek
professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified
health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a
medical condition.